Bredesen Turns to Democrats in California, Elsewhere to Call, Write to Voters After Volunteers Flee His Campaign

It’s no secret that Phil Bredesen is the top choice of Democrats around the nation to turn the U.S. Senate into a blue zone. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) personally recruited Bredesen to run.

Schumer’s PAC has spent millions more on Tennessee than any other race. Billionaire Mike Bloomberg, who has pledged $20 million to Democrats this cycle, hosted a fundraiser for Bredesen in New York.

Now Bredesen is getting some added help from progressive allies in California, Massachusetts and other blue bastions, Chattanooga’s News Channel 9 says.

Democrats in those states are mailing postcards to people in Tennessee urging them to vote for Bredesen.

“Join Organize Win Legislate Sacramento in getting out the vote for Phil Bredesen and be part of the Blue Wave,” a Facebook event page for a California virtual phone bank says.

Phil Valentine tweeted, “A listener sent me this. It’s a Phil Bredesen mailer that looks like a 6-year-old wrote it. But note the BOSTON postmark!!! Oh, no. There’s no big liberal outside money in THIS campaign. (Where’s my sarcasm emoji when I need it?) #MarshaBlackburn Retweet!!!”

Could that be because Bredesen’s volunteers have been deserting his campaign?

Politico reported that at least 22 volunteers cancelled their shifts over his tepid support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.

Project Veritas Action later exposed his statement of support to be a lie to gain political support.

“It’s a political move,” Bredesen campaign field organizer Maria Amalla said of Bredesen’s announcement in the video released by Project Veritas Action.

Scott Golden, Tennessee Republican Party Chairman, said, “There’s a clear choice in this election: Democrat Phil Bredesen, supported by coastal liberals, and Republican Marsha Blackburn, who stands with Tennesseans on the issues that matter to them.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.








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One Thought to “Bredesen Turns to Democrats in California, Elsewhere to Call, Write to Voters After Volunteers Flee His Campaign”

  1. Bruce

    I got a call from one of these idiots on my home phone. I completely destroyed him.
